Wednesday, 12 April 2017

reflection term 1

Doing Powtoons for the first time and doing Xtramaths was hard. Mathletics was easy because I have easy tasks. Phonics Hero is easy doing each question and Skoolbo has easy questions. I need to improve on Raz-Kids because I need to do more reading and on Raz-Kids. I have liked doing powtoon because you can write in it and put some cool objects in but not to much. I like Mathletics because it is fun doing the tasks even when it is hard I do not give up because I will get it sometime. I have not liked doing the run around to the tree and back two times because it makes me tired, sleepy and hungry. I would like to do heaps of work every day. I like getting my chromebook.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eden my name is Brooklyn i am a year 4. At my school we do skoolbo and Mathletics I really liked your blog post here's a link to my blog post kind regards Brooklyn


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